Tight Hip Flexors

If you sit down for a large portion of your day, it is likely that over time you will discover that your hip flexors start to feel tight. From personal experience, the 9 years I spent in an office job did my body no favours. Constantly slumped at my desktop, I naturally stopped using my core. 

 When I then upped my running game and ditched the office life, I kept getting a pull or tight feeling in my hip flexor(s). And no matter how much stretching, foam rolling, or release work I had done at the physio, it kept reoccurring. Until I realised my hip flexors were not just tight, they were in fact, weak. 

With some very simple exercises, I was able to strengthen the area and therefore remove the pain. So, what were my go-to moves?

  1. Banded abduction/adduction/flexion/extension

    Place a band around your ankle and secure the other end to something. 

    Stabilise on the leg that does not have the band, and move the other leg against the resistance.

    • 10x backwards, 10x left, 10x right, 10x forward

    • Repeat 3x on Each Leg

    • 30 sec rest after each set

  2. Deadbug (core)

    No equipment is needed for this exercise. Simply lie on the floor, face up, and ensure that your back is firmly pressed into the floor, and remains in contact with the floor during the entire movement. Bring your knees up to 90 degrees and elevate your arms in front of your face. From this starting position, gently lower one leg down to the floor at the same time as the opposite arm. Stomach should be in a crunch position the whole time so the core is engaged.

    • Alternate from left to right x10

    • Repeat 3x

    • 30 sec rest after each set

  3. Single leg lift overs

    Put a kettle bell, foam roller or water bottle on the floor in front of you. From a seated position on the floor raise one leg over the item and gently touch the floor the other side. Ensure to keep your core engaged at all times. If you notice that you are rounding your back, sit against a wall to perform this exercise.

    • 10x each leg

    • Repeat 3x

    • 30 sec rest after each set

The sequence above should take you about 15 mins total, and should be completed at least 3x a week if you are suffering with pain in your hip flexors. Gradually strengthen the area, and no longer let that “tightness” prevent you from running. 

The above exercises can all be found here.




Vienna Marathon