Be More Daily
“I became more daily” was the answer I found myself giving Tom when he asked how I trained for my latest marathon. The race date was not going to charge, nor was my current situation or training ability. As opposed to hypothesising about what “could” or “should” be, I pulled everything back to the current moment.
At the end of last year, like many, I set some goals for 2023. One of which was “to focus on recovery from sessions”. The reason for the goal was fundamentally because I knew that if I wanted to train more, I need to recover more (better). When I wrote it out as a goal, or course it seemed super simple. Then I started to unpack it, and realised that there were many, many layers.
Dubai, like many cities is a busy place. People come and go. And for many, the weeks, months, or years just fly by. Perhaps you sit down at the end of the weekend and wonder where the time has gone, or worse, you dread the upcoming week. I have certainly fallen into this pit previously, and found myself constantly chasing my tail to keep up.