Be More Daily

“I became more daily” was the answer I found myself giving Tom when he asked how I trained for my latest marathon. The race date was not going to charge, nor was my current situation or training ability. As opposed to hypothesising about what “could” or “should” be, I pulled everything back to the current moment. 

It is only human to plan ahead, to set goals, have ambitions or desires, and there is no need to rid yourself of them. But you are not there, you are here, in the present. We can often get carried away with where we “want to be”, yet perhaps fail to acknowledge we never actually arrive. 

Practicing being in the moment has been fundamental to my training recently. Not wanting to skip steps, compare to a previous version of myself, or diminish my health; it comes back to focusing on the day at hand. Sometimes sessions are missed or amended on the fly to aid in a smarter approach.

From a walk on the beach, to rehab exercises, a good cup of coffee, tempo running, a chat with a friend, or a track session, they all count. Focus on today, what do you actually need?


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Amsterdam Marathon