Setting Goals

Having goals in running is common. But sometimes it can be tricky to know where to start. There are multiple avenues that people go down; so here are some tips to help you set and accomplish your next running goal(s):

1. Understand your “why”

Knowing what made you start running, why you currently run, and what motivates you to get out the door and train is going to be huge in determining where you take things next. Running is not a chore, it’s a privilege, a way of life. Once you understand your why, the approach you take to running and racing will hold a lot more weight. 

2.  Identify Short Term & Long Term

Perhaps you have a dream of running an ultra. But you are also realistic enough to know that won’t happen in a standard 8-12 week training block. It’s great to have long term goals. So, understand that this is a long term process of consistency and stacking good habits over time. But in the meantime there are many short term goals, and races, that can be used as building blocks. 

3. Have Accountability & Ownership

You might need a coach, mentor, or friend for accountability. This is absolutely fine. Simply knowing that someone else is invested and checking in on your progress means that you are more likely to hit your sessions consistently. But you need to be able to balance this out with ownership for your own progress. It is not your coaches responsibility to get you out the door. Therefore, it is important to stay disciplined to the process. And if you work on Point 1 above of understanding your why, this discipline tends to come far more fluidly. 

There are no right or wrong goals in running. But they should be personalised to you, where you currently are, and where you want to get to. Put some pen to paper and start scribbling away at Point 1 above, and see how it leads to 2 and 3. 


Vienna Marathon


Travelling for a Race