Drink More Water

Recently I discovered that some clients are somewhat under on their water consumption, especially for being located in Dubai and running several times a week.

So, below, I provide a list of simple ways/idea that you increase your water consumption. Perhaps you will find something that works for you…

  • Bring a bottle to each training session

  • Have a glass of water on your bedside table; drink the entire glass when you first wake up

  • Never be without a bottle (meetings, drives, walks…)

  • Have a spare/fresh cold bottle in the car/at your desk etc

  • Set a reminder every hour on your phone/watch to drink

  • Use an app to log you water intake

  • Use a hydration pack for longer runs (example here)

  • Every time you see a water cooler, use it

  • Have a massive bottle that counts down for you (example here)

  • Stack a habit, use something you already do every day, add a glass of water to that routine (e.g. brushing teeth, making bed, cooking dinner)

  • Use a straw

  • Infuse your water with fruit or herbs

  • Set a daily water goal

  • Be accountable to a friend


Mental Training


Milano Marathon Race Report