I have realised it’s pretty hard to suggest a book to someone. Some books I have been given in the past I have retired midway or not even started; only to realise a few months down the line, the time is suddenly perfect for me to pick it up, and it becomes my latest page turner.
For me to consider a book a success or a good read, it has to be that, a page turner. I need to look forward to reading it, and to map out time in my day or week to dedicate to reading.
(And if you knew me during school, university, or my 20s, you’d know this was literally never the case!) I guess I just hadn’t found the “right” books back then.
Here are some of things that I have read lately that I have enjoyed.
The Gift - Edith Eger (re-read)
The Body Code - Bradley Nelson (audio)
Keep on Running: The highs and lows a of marathon addict - Phil Hewitt
Everything Hurts and Everything is Beautiful - Josie Shapiro
The Core. Better Life, Better Performance - by Saari Oskari (Author), Hintsa Aki (Author)
What I Talk about When I Talk about Running: A Memoir - Haruki Murakami (re-read)
Peak Performance - Brad Stulberg (Author), Steve Magness (Author)
The Untethered Soul - Michael A Singer (re-read)
Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever - by Bungay Michael Stainer (re-read)
Never Finished - David Goggins (audio)
We A Manifesto for Women Everywhere - Gillian Anderson and Jennifer Nadel
It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be - Paul Arden
Truth & Repair - Judith Herman (audio)
Maybe you will find something that sparks your interest!