Being the New Member
When people do incredible things, it’s amazing, inspiring, tear jerking, the list is endless of what we might feel when we witness something special. But how do we define incredible? Perhaps running really far, or really fast? Yes, of course, I find such things very inspiring. It really is remarkable what the human body is capable of.
Such inspirational feats are often performed by full time athletes. Individuals who have dedicated most of their life to their sport and have a team behind them.
As much as I find such performances inspiring, I arguably feel more inspired by the “Average Joe”. The busy mum who also has a full time job, who rocks up to Ladies Run Club for an hour to herself. The individual suffering from anxiety, whose biggest win in the week was sending a message to enquire about joining. The list of “real life” struggles is endless. We never know what will happen tomorrow, we do not know our fate, and we certainly often do not know what other peoples struggles are.
Witnessing real people, with real problems, smash out training sessions or races is very inspiring to me. And it is something that I am fortunate enough to see on a weekly basis. Every week, we have a new member at Ladies Run Club. Someone who has stepped out of their comfort zone to join a community. Which naturally comes with a level of unknown or anxiety.
It’s not easy to be the new member, it’s not easy to try something different. But the reward for making the first step, is often so great. And without even knowing it, you will be inspiring someone somewhere.