3 Ways to Make Tomorrow a Success

Whether you have a big training day, a hectic day in the office, or a big race, it’s all kind of the same. You are likely feeling an element of stress; and as you might have realised the parallels between life and running are somewhat uncanny. Hence the below applies not just in the running sphere. 

When we feel or experience stress, it is often the case that we neglect some basics. So, get some good habits in now, and then when the going gets tough they will be more like second nature. 


Firstly, don’t forget to do it. Schedule it in if you have to. 

Secondly, fuel yourself. Have a think about what you are putting in your body from a nutrition and hydration standpoint. Not all calories are created equal. You are more likely to perform better if you are hitting your macronutrients (fats, proteins, and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) in your meals. 


The cheapest and most under-utilised recovery tool out there. We know about the 7-9 hours recommend per night. So, perhaps re-think staying up late watching Netflix or cramming in a bit more work. Even just lying in bed resting before sleeping can help you feel better the following day. 


Think about what you can do that will make tomorrow less hectic. Simple things like setting out your race/run kit, packing your bag, pinning your number on can make all the difference in allowing your mind to relax about what you might have on the agenda the following day.  

If you need any help or would like more guidance on any of the above areas, feel free to reach out. SH@innerfight.com


The Importance of Fuelling your Running

